Meet Patrick

Both of Patrick’s parents were public school teachers, and when they weren’t teaching, they were busy working second jobs to make ends meet – his mother in retail and his father custom harvesting with his family business and later tutoring. Despite the financial challenges, his parents put family first, making time for hunting and fishing with Dad, Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, baseball, and track.

Patrick, his brother, and his father on the combine.

After college graduation, Patrick was commissioned as a Naval Intelligence Officer. While in the Navy, Patrick served on the USS RONALD REAGAN supporting the battle group’s intelligence team defending U.S. interests from China and Russia. Patrick recently transitioned to the Naval Reserve and returned to Kansas with his wife Megan. He will continue to serve his country by working to help hard-working families like his who struggle to make ends meet.

“I joined the Navy and went overseas but my dad and I were bonded by our family, our love for the outdoors, and our shared values. Losing my dad was the hardest thing that’s ever happened to me, but I try to make him proud every day.”


As our representative, Patrick will be guided by the family values he learned from his mother, his father, and the generations of Kansans who came before him as he works to restore common sense to Congress.

You can view more photos from Patrick’s campaign here.